Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekend Sports Wrap

These are my highlights of the weekend of sport we had:

Springboks 49-3 Fiji

It was a rugby lesson for the Islanders of Fiji on Saturday morning South African time. The Springboks showed that they can play exciting try-scoring rugby just like the All Blacks have been displaying so far. This was a perfomance of defending champions. Anyone of the 15 players could have walked away with a man of the match award. Before people start to say "it was only Fiji" well we have have to remind ourselves how well Fiji played 4 years ago in France. They are not pushovers as people think. The discipline showed by the Springboks is very encouraging for the remainder of the tournament. They managed to score 6 tries without conceding a try themselves. Namibia is next.

Floyd "Money" Mayweather Jr knocks out Victor Ortiz

Big time boxing is known for its controversy over the years. This goes from points decisions that are not expected to ear-biting incidents. You might say we should expect the unexpected in boxing.

I was looking forward to this particular match because we have not seen Floyd Mayweather Jr inside the ring in over a year. This was a perfect opportunity to see him losing his unbeaten record to a young fit champion in Ortiz.

Floyd looked in peak condition for this fight and he has not lost any of his sharpness. The first 3 rounds totally belonged to Mayweather. He was throwing the most punches and landing them. In the 4th round Ortiz started coming back into the fight and was pushing Floyd on the back foot most of the time. Ortiz had him on the ropes and then after landing a series of powerful punches he did the unthinkable....Ortiz head-butted Mayweather! The head-butt was shocking but it was followed with an apology from Ortiz. The ref pulled the fighters apart and deducted a point from Ortiz. When he told the fighters to resume fighting Ortiz gave Mayweather a hug and continued apologising. Mayweather responded with a left-right combination to a defenceless Ortiz and that was all she wrote...

This KO left a bitter taste in the mouth (no pun intended). Any boxing fan wants to see a fair KO. Mayweather was well within the rules as the ref had instructed the fighters to continue boxing. Ortiz forgot the all important rule in boxing. Protect Yourself At All Times!

Manchester United 3-1 Chelsea

This is my match of the season so far. It was brilliant, heart-breaking and hilarious at times. Anyone who loves to watch football would have enjoyed this one. Two giants of English football going at it for 90 minutes.

The main charaters for this match were Fernando Torres, Wayne Rooney and Nani. Every highlight in this game included one or two of these guys.

I will start with Fernando Torres. He has had a very difficult time at Chelsea and has struggled to find his form of 2 seasons ago. But on this day the old Torres was back. His movement was a joy to watch, he was setting up play for other team-mates and he scored a beauty of a goal. Yes I will mention THAT MISS but we have to look at the positive. Nani scored a cracker of a goal. Rooney managed to block his own penalty kick and Berbatov continued his lack of form in front of goals.

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